TRAINING DAN SERTIFIKASI BNSP SKEMA AHLI K3 LISTRIK Available Training Online | Training Offline | Sertifikasi Online | Sertifikasi Offline Jadwal Training 8-9 Agustus 2024 (PASTI JALAN) *Jadwal assessment menyesuaikan kesepakatan DESKRIPSI Sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam Undang-undang No 13 tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan, setiap perusahaan wajib melaksanakan upaya Keselamatan dan . . . Read more
Pelatihan ini mencakup konsep dasar manajemen logistik transportasi, perencanaan rute dan pemilihan moda transportasi, pelaksanaan operasional transportasi, manajemen persediaan dan gudang, serta optimalisasi dan evaluasi kinerja logistik transportasi
Dalam pelatihan ini, peserta akan mempelajari teknik analisis spasial lanjutan, pemodelan data, dan integrasi GIS dengan teknologi lain seperti remote sensing dan data big data.
After earning the CPIM you will be able to: Increase inventory accuracy and reduce inventory
Improve forecasting
Improve the S&OP process
Manage and apply capacity resource planning
Work more productively with your company’s ERP system
APICS CSCP designees gain the skills to effectively manage global supply chain activities that involve suppliers, plants, distributors and customers located around the world. CSCP serves the needs of both professionals and employers by keeping you and your organization more competitive in today’s economy.