Basic Offshore Technology & Pipeline Integrity Assessment
16 – 18 Oktober 2013 | Rp 5.500.000,- /participant di Yogyakarta
11 – 13 November 2013 | Rp 5.500.000,- /participant di Yogyakarta
9 – 11 Desember 2013 | Rp 5.500.000,- /participant di Yogyakarta
The recent trend in the oil and gas industry has been towards oil and gas exploration in deep waters. The technology for deep water oil and gas exploration has witnessed tremendous growth. Offshore technology covers all sorts of engineering and technology and so it offers lots of different career opportunities in engineering and science. People entering the offshore industry are likely to be qualified, for instance, as mechanical, marine or structural engineers, naval architects or specialists in electronics and systems control. Alternatively they may be physicists, biologists, geologists or oceanographers. The fields of opportunity for graduate engineers and scientists and for those who have technical or craft qualifications are diverse, but the underlying interest and theme that helps everyone to work together is the sea and the marine business offshore.
1. Introduction
- Offshore Platform
- Briefs History
- Unique Challenges for Structural Design
- Decisions That Affect Structural Design
2. Platform Types
- Fixed Platform Types
- Floating Platform Types
3. Design Criteria
- Weight Control
- Gravity Loads
- Environmental Loads
- Accidental Loads
4. Design Loads
5. Structural Analyses and Design
6. Foundation Methods and Design
7. Fabrication
8. Loadout and Transportation
- Loadout
- Sea Transportation
9. Offshore Installation
10. Integrity Assessment Methods for Pipelines
- Benefits of a Pipeline Integrity Management
- Basis of an Automated PIM
Working professionals or individuals who wish to learn and broaden their employment prospects in the marine and offshore industry.
- Presentation
- Sharing and discussion
- Games / simulation
- Regular/ Public Training: Rp 7.500.000,- /per participant (non residential).
- ***Special Rate Rp 7.000.000,-/ participant for minimum 3 participants*** Payments
- Certificate
- Training Kit
- Modul
- Souvenir
Basic Offshore Technology & Pipeline Integrity Assessment