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COSO: Understanding and Implementing Internal Control


21 – 22 August 2015 | Rp. 6.600.000,- at Five Star Hotels, Jakarta



Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) Internal Control – Integrated Framework (IC-IF) is the widely used internal framework deployed in a number of countries across the globe. It examines how a principles-based approach is utilized to design, implement, and evaluate a system of internal controls. In addition to that, this course discusses the updated Framework implications and presented it to internal auditor as well as individual internal audit activities. Furthermore the training is also aimed to identify opportunities for utilizing the updated Framework for internal audit process and increase value of the assurance and consulting services.


  1. Understanding COSO, COSOIC-IF Framework
  2. Comprehending Its Objectives, Goals, Requirements, Functionalities and Processes
  3. Valuing Risk Assessment
  4. Familiarizing Ourselves with Control Environment
  5. Identifying Internal Controls
  6. Mastering Control Activities
  7. Understanding Information and Communications
  8. Monitoring Activities
  9. Appreciating Implications and Opportunities for Internal Audit


In order for effective learning and full appreciation of the course, the course will be delivered with 30% of the time devoted to important concepts and other theory topics and 70% allotted for hands-on lab exercise, group discussion, presentation and case studies. Training lead will be assisted by presentation slides and actual demonstrations for clear understanding and smooth follow-through during the sessions.


Staffs, officers, internal and external auditors, accounting managers, finance managers, governance, risk and compliancesupervisors and managers, controllers, corporate secretaries and those are interested and eager to have deep understanding and know-how to apply COSO IC-IF as well as apply it to assess controls in terms of COSO objectives.


Goutama Bachtiar

Goutama Bachtiar adalah : Advisor, Auditor, Konsultan, Trainer, Courseware Designer dan Penulis bidang Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi selama 17 tahun terakhir dengan spesialisasi di ranah IT Governance, Risk, Security, Assurance, Audit dan IT Management.

Saat ini beliau menjabat sebagai advisor beberapa perusahaan dan organisasi, Subject Matter Expert, Program Mentor, Editorial Journal Reviewer, Certification Exam (CISA, CGEIT, CISM, CRISC) dan Study Materials Developer di ISACA International Chapter, Subject Matter Expert dan Program Evaluator di PMI International Chapter, IASA, SABSA dan Open Group Global Working Group Member, Reviewer Panel di International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), Dosen Tamu di program pasca sarjana beberapa universitas di AS dan Indonesia (UTB, UI, IPB dan Binus), serta moderator, panelis dan pembicara di sejumlah konferensi, workshop dan seminar.

Sebagai auditor dan konsultan, telah memberikan layanan tersebut kepada 35 perusahaan dan organisasi. Puluhan sertifikasi internasional sudah diperolehnya sampai dengan saat ini.

Selain itu, beliau juga telah mengadakan dan memberikan pelatihan, perkuliahan, seminar, konferensi dan workshop sebanyak lebih dari 230 sesi dan 5500 jam lebih kepada sekitar 7500 peserta di Indonesia maupun luar negeri kepada lebih dari 70 perusahaan dan organisasi.

Sebagai penulis, sudah mengarang 2 buku dan 22 courseware serta sudah menulis, melakukan review dan editing atas 300 artikel, manuskrip, paper dan white paper seputar Telematika dan Manajemen di lebih dari 20 media, publikasi, organisasi, jurnal dan konferensi.

Training Fee COSO:

  • Rp. 6000000,- (On The Spot, payment at the latest 21 Aug 2015)
  • Rp. 6600000,- (Full fare)

Understanding and Implementing Internal Control with Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO)


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