Butuh Training?

Silakan ketik kebutuhan training Anda di sini. Ada lebih 15.000 topik dan 250.000 event sepanjang tahun 2025

Security Management Development Program


22 – 24 Maret 2018/ IDR 6.500.000 di Bogor
23 – 25 Agustus 2018/ IDR 6.500.000 di Bogor
20 – 22 Desember 2018/ IDR 6.500.000 di Bogor


Latar Belakang Training Security Management Development Program

Keamanan tidak hanya hanya tanggung jawab satpam, melainkan tanggung jawab seluruh komponen perusahaan, baik internal maupun ekternal. Security merupakan asset yang harus dijaga dan diperlihara demi menciptakan keadaan yang kondusif. Sehingga proses produksi dan investasi terus berjalan dengan baik. Security yang stabil akan berdampak pada iklim investasi yang baik.

Demi menciptakan personal yang memiliki kemampuan yang baik, mampu memahami situasi dan kondisi yang ada serta perubahannya, memiliki kemampuan taktis, strategis serta sigap dalam menghadapi setiap ancaman.


Materi Training Security Management Development Program

  1. Tugas Utama Security (Satuan Pengaman) Perusahaan
  2. Manajemen Security serta Pengorganisasiannya
  3. Security Intelligence
  4. Security Investigation
  5. Negosiasi
  6. Pengendalian Massa
  7. Mengenal Sumber Gangguan & Ancaman
  8. Panduan Menyusun Security Manual


Instruktur Training Security Management Development Program

Kompol Karna, S.Pd. is master trainer interpersonal skill, coach ability development from Education and Training Institute Indonesian Police and  IOM. Course experience are Management Conflict, Nogotiator, Mass Control, Civil Unrest from  ICITAP USA. Now, he is a instructor in state police school Sukabumi and Master Trainer in Indonesian Police.


General Information

Certificate of Appreciation

All attendees will receive a certificate of appreciation attesting to their participant in the training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed training questionnaire.

Documentation & Dress Code

  • Quality training material kits will be on registration, additional papers, & handouts assignment by Our Partner.
  • Note-taking by participants is encourage. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.
  • Casual clothing is recommended. The training atmosphere is informal.


  • Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)
  • Quality training kits included T-shirt or jacket, cap, ect.
  • Interactive presentation with discussion
  • Lunch per day
  • Morning and afternoon coffee / tea breaks for along the training
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Exclusive flash disk.

**) Optional

Tuition Fee & Registration  Deadline

  • IDR  6.500.000,-/ Person,
  • Registration deadline a weeks before training held.

Minimum Participant

This training will be conducted if we receive registration letter from 3 (three) participants (Minimum)


Security Management Development Program

Formulir Pra-Pendaftaran Public Training / Permintaan Informasi Lebih Lanjut
  2. (required)
  3. (required)
  5. (required)
  6. (required)
  7. (required)
  8. (valid email required)
  9. (required)
  10. (required)
  11. DATA PRE REGISTRATION (Tidak Mengikat)
  12. (required)
  14. Captcha

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