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Fluid Flow – Gas Metering and Custody Transfer


29 – 31 Juli 2013 | Rp.8.500.000,-per participant di Holiday Inn Bandung. Dago, Bandung
29 – 31 October 2013 | Rp.8.500.000,-per participant di Holiday Inn Bandung. Dago, Bandung


Objective Fluid Flow – Gas Metering and Custody Transfer

This course is developed for engineers and technicians who need to have a practical knowledge of selection, installation and commissioning of fiscal metering equipment. It is for those primarily involved in achieving effective results in industrial processes. This would involve the design, specification and implementation of control and measurement equipment. The course focuses on practical applications, with special attention to installation considerations and application limitations when selecting or installing different measurement or control instruments for fiscal metering.

Course Outline Fluid Flow – Gas Metering and Custody Transfer

1. Basic Fluid Flow:

– A. Fluid property
* Density
* Viscosity
* Surface tension
* Modulus elasticity
– B. Compressible & Incompressible flow
– C. Fluid Flow
* Continuity Equation
* Bernoulli Equation
– D. Pipe fluid flow
– E. Fluid Flow Measurement

2. Performance Characteristic of Flowmeter
* Accuracy
* Repeatability
* Performance Measure
* Calculation

3. Head Flow Meter
* Orifice
* Sizing
* Secondary Instrument
* Calculation
* Standard AGA3

4. Turbine Meter
* Systems
* Properties
* Characteristics
* Standard AGA7

5. Ultrasonic Flowmeter
* Ultrasonic Flowmeter
* Types
* Application
* Standard AGA9

6. Oil Transfer Meter:
* Meter Run
* Proving Skid
* Meter Proving
* Meter Factor
* Base Prover
* Proving Run
* Prover Pass
* Prover Round Trip
* Proving Counter

7. Shipping Calculate Volume & Calculate Correction:
* Temperature material
* Pressure material
* Oil Temperature
* Oil Pressure
* Sediments and water
* Calculate Meter Factor

8. Retroactive Meter Factor
* Manual retroactive factor

9. Calculation Sample:
* Flow calculation
* Oil Quantity measurement

10. Use Measurement Systems in MIGAS Activities

Who Should Attend on Fluid Flow – Gas Metering and Custody Transfer

* Instrumentation Engineers & technicians
* Design & Process Engineers
* Operation Engineer
* Well testing group
* Production Operation
* Reservoir Engineering & technicians
* Maintenance Superintendent & Supervisor



Often become an instructor in many oil-related training to companies all over Indonesia, such as Pertamina, Chevron, Rhino LNG, Total, Vico, Mobil Oil Indonesia, Ministery of Mining and Energy, Unocal Indonesia, Lemigas, IATMI-IWPL Oil and Gas , PPTM Oil and Gas, PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia, Gulf, Arco, etc.



Waktu           : 08.30-16.30 WIB
Tempat         : Holiday Inn Bandung. Dago
Tanggal        :

  • 29 – 31 Juli 2013 (Bacth III)
  • 29 – 31 October 2013 (Batch IV)


Grand Seriti Hotel, Bandung

Tuition Fee

  • IDR 8.500.000,-/participant non residensial.
  • For send 3 participant discount 10 %.



  • Meeting Room Hotel ****
  • Training KIT
  • Souvenir
  • Sertifikat
  • Flash disk 4 GB + soft and hard copy materi
  • 2 X Coffe Break + Lunch



Fluid Flow – Gas Metering and Custody Transfer

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