20 Mei 2020 | Rp 4.095.000 di Amaris La Codefin/ Santika Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta
18 Agustus 2020 | Rp 4.095.000 di Amaris La Codefin/ Santika Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta
18 November 2020 | Rp 4.095.000 di Amaris La Codefin/ Santika Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta
Practice techniques to use a four-step method of instruction: prepare, present, tryout and follow-up. Special emphasis is given to correcting mistakes and coaching one-on-one as well as safety in “live” situations. Evaluate the effectiveness of your on the job training efforts.
At the end of the training, the participant will be able to:
- Practice easy and effective ways to begin on the job training.
- Identify different ways participants prefer to learn and how to adjust the trainer’s teaching style to be successful.
- Break down a task easily to identify prerequisites and how much practice is required to learn a new skill.
- Select the right method to train participants.
- Identify techniques to make teaching with “live” equipment both safe and successful.
- Coach and correct errors effectively.
- Practice making training interesting, not boring.
- Practice ways to get good responses during training.
- Lecturettes
- Discussions
- Case Studies
- Self Assessments
- Action Plans
1: Course Overview and Introduction
- Workshop content and objectives
- Set personal objectives for this session
- Inventory your current skills
2: Make Adult Learning Come to Life!
- How to build retention
- Identify styles of learning
- Use adult learning concepts to enhance learning
- Evaluate aspects of your instructional style
- Teach a 5-minute lesson to a partner
- Relate your training style to adult learners
3: Plan For On The Job Training
- Who needs training?
- Easy steps to break down a task into its teachable parts
- How to set training objectives that are realistic and attainable
4: Relate to the Learner
- Select the appropriate methods
- Determine how much practice is required to learn a new skill
- Practice a pacing technique to avoid boredom
- How to begin an (on the job training) OJT session
- A method to conduct effective demonstrations
- Use basic questions to increase participation and “discovery” learning
- Paraphrase to clarify understanding
- How to correct errors and give “constructive criticism”
- How to coach learners one-on-one
- Maintain participant self esteem
- Special concerns for teaching with “live” equipment
- Evaluate your efforts
- Action Plan and Conclusion
Bambang Haryanto
Bambang Haryanto ialah instruktur dan konsultan independen pada berbagai Training Center, organisasi bisnis dan lembaga, antara lain pernah untuk BCA Group, Salim Group, Bank Tamara, Gajah Tunggal Group, Dharmala Group, Sampoerna Group, Tiga Raksa Group, Modern Group, Napan Group, Lippo Bank, BDNI, dan Bank Artha Graha. Ia memulai karirnya dengan bekerja di berbagai hotel internasional selama empat setengah tahun, bidang sales dan pariwisata selama dua tahun sebelum menjadi dosen di Universitas Terbuka selama enam tahun. Selain menjadi dosen, ia juga bertanggung-jawab serta memimpin banyak satuan tugas untuk menyelesaikan berbagai tugas manajerial dan pengembangan dalam bidang penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi.
Tahun 1989, ia memulai bekerja di Divisi HRD dan Training Center BCA sebagai instruktur program-program manajemen dan pengembangan diri. Ia pernah menjadi Kepala Pelaksana Harian BCA Training Center selain menjadi Koordinator Program Pengembangan Manajemen. Ia juga telah berhasil menyusun, mengembangkan dan menyelenggarakan berbagai pelatihan untuk BCA Training Center.
Tahun 1993, ia memulai karir sebagai instruktur dan konsultan yang bekerja secara mandiri untuk berbagai organisasi bisnis dan lembaga. Hingga saat ini ia telah menyelesaikan dengan baik lebih dari seribu kali berbagai jenis program pelatihan dan konsultasi.
Bambang mempunyai ijasah Master of Education dari Simon Fraser University Canada (1989), Sarjana Pendidikan dari Universitas Negeri Jakarta (1983), dan Diploma III Perhotelan (1978). Selain itu ia juga sangat berminat dan sering mengikuti berbagai seminar dan pelatihan yang berkaitan dengan manajemen umum, manajemen strategik, manajemen operasional, kepemimpinan, penjualan, pemasaran, UKM, dan pelayanan prima.
Lokasi Training
Amaris Hotel La Codefin / Neo Hotel – Kebayoran / Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta (Tentative)
- Rp 3.050.000 – (Registration 3 person/more; payment 1 week before training)
- Rp 3.350.000 – (Reg 2 weeks before training ; payment 1 week before training)
- Rp 3.850.000 – (On The Spot; payment at the last of training )
- Rp 4.095.000 – (Full Fare)
Effective On the Job Training