Butuh Training?

Silakan ketik kebutuhan training Anda di sini. Ada lebih 15.000 topik dan 250.000 event sepanjang tahun 2025



10 – 11 Oktober 2019 – 16 hours effective | Rp. 3.900.000 di Hotel Lumire, Jakarta



Performance Management Training Objectives
Do you already have performance management system in place? Did the system produce worthwhile business results? Are people performing better? Are non-contributors being identified and systematically eliminated? Are people clear on exactly where they should be concentrating their time and resources? Do the managers know how to link company objectives and his/her own objectives? Have supervisors–subordinates communication increased in frequency and quality? Do you know how to implement performance management system effectively?

This workshop will answer all the above and other questions.
We design this workshop; with the objective that participant will have a performance management system and how to implement it, based on our experiences and by combining two multinational company systems that we have implemented in our previous positions to those companies.  In this workshop we examine how competencies can be used for making performance management processes more relevant and powerful.


Performance Management Training Other Benefits

  • Benefits of a Successful Performance Management  (to Organization and to Employees)
  • Have a complete performance management (a combination of performance and individual development objectives)
  • Learn a performance management system with competency based
  • Provide a good system with effective coaching.

Who Should Attend Performance Management Training

  • Directors, Managers or Senior Supervisor (from company that wants to improve their current system or company that has no performance management system).


Performance Management Training Agenda

1.    Introduction / Background

  • Workshop objectives
  • Participant’s expectation.

2.  Performance Management –Definition, Basis and Aims

  • Definition and purpose of performance management
  • The Benefits of a successful performance management.

3.    Performance Management – Process

  • Performance management as a process
  • A conceptual framework for performance management.

4.   Defining Objectives and Performance Measures

  • What are objectives?
  • Types of objectives
  • How can objective be expressed at corporate level?
  • How individual work objectives are be expressed?
  • Defining work objective, performance measures, Performance indicators and action plan.

5.   Attributes and Competency Analysis

  • Attributes
  • Competency (managerial and technical)
  • Distinguishing between attributes and competencies
  • Individual development plan.

6.   Managing Performance Throughout the Year

  • Feedback, Counseling and Coaching
  • Interim progress review
  • Follow-up progress review.

7.  Conducting Performance Review

  • The performance review meeting
  • Preparing for review meeting
  • Conducting a performance review meeting
  • Performance rating.

8.   Success Criteria

  • Why performance management fails
  • Success criteria.

9.   Closing (Summary and Conclusion).


Performance Management Training Facilitator

Sahala P. Sinurat, MSc is accomplished, after getting a scholarship from Overseas Fellowship Program (World Bank), his master degree in Operations Research from University of Delaware, Newark (US) in 1990.

With a proven record of teaching, training and consulting experiences and exposure to different cultures behind him, as he held several positions at various organizations that include:

  • Consultant and Professional Staff to Lembaga PPM
  • Training and Development Manager for Rothmans of Pall Mall Indonesia
  • Training and Development Manager for the British American Tobacco (BAT).

Mr Sinurat has more than 7500 hours of teaching in addition to his consulting experience. His client list include PT Phillip Morris Indonesia, PT Jasa Marga, PT Pelindo II, PT DaimlerChrysler, PT Capsugel Indonesia, PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, PT BAT, PT Rothmans of Pall Mall Indonesia, PT Coca Cola Bottling Company, PT Amarta Karya, PT Surveyor Indonesia, etc.



Hotel Lumire, Senen Jakarta Pusat



Rp. 3.900.000,-



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