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14 – 16 Desember 2020 | Rp 2.900.000,- Online Training


Training Background

Business management recognizes the growing complexity and heavy demands of the purchasing and supply chain operation. Executives need the assurance that their purchasing and supply chain managers and buyers are adequately trained, reliable, and dedicated to their professions.

There is a growing realization in the business world that only professionals can get the job done in a professional manner. The American Academy of certification provides general management a high degree of confidence in the ability and integrity of the people who have been or will be selected to do the job.

This course is designed to explore the institutional purchasing cycle for consumable materials, raw materials, spare parts, and capital assets. Additionally participants  will explore and develop a thorough understanding of the supplier/buyer relationship, the benefits of high-quality vendor management systems, and the pitfalls of poorly designed or implemented vendor management systems. The course we will focus in detail on the basic principles, procedures, and policies involved in the organizational function often referred to as Supply Chain Management.

At completion of this course, the participants will have the skills to apply the purchasing management, effectively and efficiently,  and make recommendations to increase supply chain competitiveness.

The AAPM® certification process, administered by GAFM Board, identifies to the public that those individuals who have been authorized to use the AAPM® certification marks in the globe have met rigorous professional standards and have agreed to adhere to the principles of integrity, objectivity, competence, fairness, confidentiality, professionalism and diligence when dealing with clients.


Certified Purchasing Professional Training Contents

  1. Lesson 1: Purchasing and Vendor Management
  2. Lesson 2: The Purchasing Process
  3. Lesson 3: Vendor Relationship Management
  4. Lesson 4: Capital Purchases, There’s a Big Difference
  5. Lesson 5: Alternate Purchasing Methods
  6. Lesson 6: Continuous Improvement in Purchasing and Vendor Management
  7. Lesson 7: Income Statement & Balance Sheet Consideration
  8. Lesson 8: Contract Management and Closure
  9. (including Receipt and Accounting of materials and payment of suppliers’ bills)



Metode Training Online

Metode pelatihan  online dapat dilakukan dengan dua metode dimana Peserta dapat memilih  metode yang sesuai. Metode tersebut adalah :

  1. Metode Peserta Belajar Online Mandiri  (Asinkron) yaitu:
    • Peserta mendownload materi pelatihan (dalam bentuk file PPT/PDF/video) dan belajar mandiri dengan waktu belajar diatur sendiri oleh peserta.
    • Masa aktif tayang setiap materi pelatihan 4 minggu dengan disediakan konsultasi maks 4 jam online dihitung sejak materi mulai ditayangkan.
    • Apabila diperlukan peserta dapat diskusi atau konsultasi terkait dengan materi yang akan difasilitasi oleh konsultan/trainer melalui berbagai media seperti Google Meet, Hang Out, Zoom, Team link, atau WhatsApp sesuai dengan kesepakatan.
    • Tersedia paket harga khusus jika ada beberapa orang mendaftar untuk training yang sama dan dari perusahaan yang sama
  2. Metode Live Online Training (Sinkron)  yaitu:
    1. Instruktur mengajar secara LIVE dengan durasi 4 jam perhari selama 2 hari secara terjadwal
    2. Media Live training dapat menggunakan Google Meet, Hang Out, Zoom atau Team link.
    3. Tersedia harga khusus jika training yang sama diikuti oleh beberapa peserta dari perusahaan yang sama

Ketentuan Online Training 

  1. Persiapan Peserta
    • Dianjurkan menggunakan laptop, bukan smartphone.
    • Koneksi internet yang stabil.
    • Buku dan alat tulis.
  2. Platform yang digunakan
    • Beberapa alternative platform Zoom, Google Meet, Hang Out,  Team link atau Webex untuk conference live training
    • Materi, tugas dan dokumen lain akan diupload dalam Google Classroom
    • Peserta menginstall aplikasi sesuai yang akan digunakan


Investment dan Facilities

  • Online training Rp 2.900.000,-
  • Ujian $500 USD
  • Durasi 5 hari : 4 jam per hari dan hari ke 5 untuk ujian
  • Jika melanjutkan sertifikasi ada tambahan biaya pembelian voucer ujian senilai $500 dengan kurs dollar hari ini dan dilaksanakan pada tanggal setelah training.
  • Modul online training, try out online, dan ujian online



*International Certification by American Academy*


Formulir Pra-Pendaftaran Public Training / Permintaan Informasi Lebih Lanjut
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