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Recruitment & Selection System


16 – 17 Mei 2013  | 08.30 – 17.00 WIB | Rp. 3.500.000,- /Peserta di Menara Peninsula,   Jakarta


Pemenuhan kebutuhan tenaga kerja yang sesuai dengan kriteria dan tuntutan  organisasi  sangat mudah dijawab dengan kata rekrut dan seleksi,yang pada kenyataannya tidaklah semudah apa yang dikatakan.
Tuntutan kerja yang akhir-akhir ini dirasakan sangat meningkat dan ketat tidak jarang membuat proses Recruitment and Selection itu berjalan tanpa satu proses yang matang dan terencana.  Suatu proses Recruitment and Selection yang telah disusun sesuai dengan perencanaan dan pengembangan organisasi (manpower plan) tentunya akan memberi manfaat yang positif  baik dari sisi waktu, biaya, efektifitas kerja bahkan hasil yang akan diperoleh, yaitu the right man on the right place.


TUJUAN PELATIHAN Recruitment & Selection System

  • Memahami tehnik Recruitment & Selection yang efektif,
  • Mampu mengidentifikasi sumber-sumber yang dapat menyediakan calon yang qualified
  • Memahami cara yang efektif untuk mendapatkan calon potensial sesuai kebutuhan organisasi,
  • Melakukan proses seleksi dengan metode yang efektif dan mengelolanya secara professional

MATERI  PELATIHAN Recruitment & Selection System

  • Bagaimana memahami kebutuhan organisasi melalui manpower plan yang tersedia,
  • Bagaimana men-seleksi surat lamaran dan cross check referensi,
  • Memahami cara yang efektif dalam melakukan seleksi,
  • Bagaimana membuat keputusan penerimaan yang objektif,
  • Bagaimana menyikapi calon secara profesional. Modul-JNS 2009


No. matter how big or small business maybe and regardless of what industry you are in, Manager across the county are under pressure to find and keep high performing employees.
Low unemployment the increasing demand for technical skill and the need for multi skilled workforce have presented new challenges to the hiring process. In order to compete in today’s global market, company must have cutting-edge information tools, processes, and ideas that will help to recruit and select people who are capable of making contributions to their company future success.

I.    Job Description.

  • What competencies are required to succeed on the job,.
  • Competencies based job description,
  • Relevancy of the position,
  • The major responsibilities,
  • Critical criteria,
  • Preferred criteria.

II.    Legal Issues.

  • Protected characteristic that are covered under anti-discrimination law, race, gender, religion, age and disabilities.

III.    Attracting the Right Employees.

  • Advertising,
  • A great place to work,
  • Benefit,
  • Company package.

IV.    Application as Screening Tools.

  • Screening applications,
  • Tracking applicant information,
  • Using program / technology.

V.    How to use testing.

  • Selection system,
  • What type of test,
  • How do I know that test is work?

VI.    Interviewing.

  • The cost of in-effective interviewing,
  • Practical purposes for an interview,
  • Why traditional interview does not work,
  • Avoiding interview bias,
  • Competency-bases interviewing,
  • Structured interviewing.

VII.    Evaluating Motivation to Perform the Job.

  • What is motivational fit,
  • Interviewing approaches for evaluating motivational fit,
  • Other means of that.

VIII.    Background checks (Cross check reference).

  • Why should you do background check,
  • How do you verify the information,
  • When should you do background check.

IX.    Making Final Selection Decision.

  • Use a systematic approach,
  • Don’t delay,
  • Don’t over-select,

X.    After and Orientation.

  • Getting the ones you wants,
  • Negotiating a win-win offer,
  • Orienting new employees.

XI.    Alternative Staffing Option.

  • Advantages of creating a blended workforce,
  • Alternatives staffing options.

Fasilitator Pelatihan Recruitment & Selection System
HJ.Jenny N Soeseno

  • Lulusan Phsycologi UI dan Certified HR Consultant international
  • Pernah berkarir di perbankan pada divisi SDM paa akhirnya sebagai independent HR Consultant Khususnya dibidang Recruitment & Selection
  • Sebagai trainer untuk banyak perusahaan dan telah mendampingi berbagai department dan BUMN

Investasi Pelatihan Recruitment & Selection System

  • Rp. 3.500.000,- (full Fare)



HIRING GREAT PEOPLE : Recruitment & Selection System

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