Butuh Training?

Silakan ketik kebutuhan training Anda di sini. Ada lebih 15.000 topik dan 250.000 event sepanjang tahun 2025

Risk Based Business Process Mapping and Improvement


01 – 02 Februari 2017 | Rp 5.000.000,- di Hotel Ibis/ Dreamtel Hotel / Favehotel, Jakarta
01 – 02 Maret 2017 | Rp 5.000.000,- di Hotel Ibis/ Dreamtel Hotel / Favehotel, Jakarta
03 – 04 April 2017 | Rp 5.000.000,- di Hotel Ibis/ Dreamtel Hotel / Favehotel, Jakarta
02 – 03 Mei 2017 | Rp 5.000.000,- di Hotel Ibis/ Dreamtel Hotel / Favehotel, Jakarta

Jadwal Training 2017 Selanjutnya …


Why you would need this program?

Operational failures lie in business process and activities. A single operational failure could potentially jeopardize a whole operation and even cause a catastrophic losses to any business. This workshop is designed to help preventing, mitigating, and improving your business process based on better understanding of your risks.

What topics are covered?

This is a two-days (12 hours) workshop and it covers:

  1. Introduction to operational risks
  2. Understand the key risks and key controls to process through business processproiling and mapping
  3. Developing early warning indicators (KRI and KCI) of potential significant operational failures
  4. Improving your business process based on key risks exposures and key controls weaknesses


Trainer Team 

Jadwal dan tempat pelaksanaan training :

  1. Tanggal 1-2 Februari 2017, Hotel Ibis / Dreamtel Hotel / Favehotel –  Jakarta
  2. Tanggal 1-2 Maret 2017, Hotel Ibis / Dreamtel Hotel / Favehotel –  Jakarta
  3. Tanggal 3-4 April 2017, Hotel Ibis / Dreamtel Hotel / Favehotel –  Jakarta
  4. Tanggal 2-3 Mei 2017, Hotel Ibis / Dreamtel Hotel / Favehotel –  Jakarta
  5. Tanggal 5-6 Juni 2017, Hotel Ibis / Dreamtel Hotel / Favehotel-  Jakarta
  6. Tanggal 3-4 Juli 2017, Hotel Ibis / Dreamtel Hotel / Favehotel –  Jakarta
  7. Tanggal 1-2 Agustus 2017, Hotel Ibis / Dreamtel Hotel / Favehotel –  Jakarta
  8. Tanggal 4-5 September 2017, Hotel Ibis / Dreamtel Hotel / Favehotel –  Jakarta
  9. Tanggal 2-3 Oktober 2017, Hotel Ibis / Dreamtel Hotel / Favehotel –  Jakarta
  10. Tanggal 1-2 November 2017, Hotel Ibis / Dreamtel Hotel / Favehotel –  Jakarta
  11. Tanggal 4-5 Desember 2017, Hotel Ibis / Dreamtel Hotel / Favehotel –  Jakarta



Rp 5.000.000,- (Lima Juta Rupiah) belum termasuk pajak

Investasi sudah termasuk :

  1. Sertifikat keikutsertaan.
  2. Coffe Break 2X dan Lunch.
  3. Souvenirs dan Seminar Kits.
  4. Seminar Bag.
  5. Modul
  • Discount 10% apabila pendaftaran group minimal 5 orang dari perusahaan yang sama (untuk satu pelatihan dan waktu yang sama).
  • Pelaksanaan training akan diselenggarakan apabila telah mencapai quota peserta 4-5 orang.
  • Konfirmasi pelaksanaan training akan dilakukan 3 (tiga hari sebelum tanggal pelaksanaan)

Risk Based Business Process Mapping and Improvement / Integrating Risk Management into Business Process

Formulir Pra-Pendaftaran Public Training / Permintaan Informasi Lebih Lanjut
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